Dec 29, 2010

The Past, Present and Future.

"The past is history, Tomorrow is a mystery and Today is a gift, that's why it's called The Present"

To be honest, I couldn't come up with a concept I wanted to follow through with on this post.
I had a few ideas such as: "Popular trends of 2010", "What to wear on New Years" and "Trends to expect 2011".. in the end, I realized that everyone else was almost doing the same thing.

Also, I realized it would be way too much for me to cover with my O.C.D like personality. BUT I still want to cover those themes mentioned above. What to do, what to do...

After giving it a considerable amount of thought, I finally came up with an idea. Why not do all 3? BAM! like a lighting bolt, inspiration has struck me. Thus, here it is. I present to you.

The Past, The Present and The Future.

The Past.

In a nut shell, this picture summarizes a lot of the fashion trends that we have seen this past year. From Floral patterns to Wedgebooties. Coral to Turquoise. Military inspired fashion to Fur covered everything. This was a great 2010 eh? (no I am not Canadian.) And although, I know I missed the other half of the fashion trends, it's something we all know. My philosophy is; Never linger in the past for too long. Therefore, let's move on to the present now.

The Present.

Click here

Click here

 We are now at the present. New Year's eve is right around the corner and you know what that means; PARTY, PARTY, vomit.. Either way, I have linked 2 pictures above that lead to style guide for men and for women. I wanted to present my own, but due to my lack of fashionistO* knowledge, I bring you the gift of knowledge from a different source: So please enjoy.

The Future.

Hello and welcome to the future. Where Military fashion is of the past, where colors named "Honey Suckle" exist, where it's okay for females to roam around in Lacey and Sheer, lingerie looking clothing. Where Bikers roam free and set the pace for the fashion world!. Cheesy? eh, whatever. The picture above should summarize a few things to look out for during 2011. Leather, Straps, Hand-cuffs, Lace, Sheer, Snake Skin, Tassels + More. I would give you the whole run down, but then what will I write about in the future?
If you check out the color palette, those are the Pantone color trends for Spring 2011 and as Turquoise was the big thing last year, Honey Suckle will "Suckle" you right in... this whole segment doesn't quite sound right.. oh wells. 
Well This is all for today and for this year. Enjoy your New Year's, Don't vomit too much from drinking and stay true to your resolutions!

This is Mikey Flashin signing, Stay classy...err... One!

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